Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I never said I would do 2 CONSECUTIVE days with no tv...

I cracked and watched Degrassi tonight :(. Is that bad? Tomorrow I plan to watch ZERO tv, which I'm thinking can make up for today's mishap. Oh well, it's all Callie's fault...she had to get caught up on the episodes and of course I couldn't let her watch them alone!

Really Sav?? Really?! That's more like it

haha, just because. What is up with Bieber's stink eye?

I didn't accomplish much on my list today friends, so sorry if this entry is boring. But, I did get all the "fix it" sewing things I had piled up for months done today (hemmed pants, patched some stuff, etc...). OH, and we did deliver cookies to our neighbors! In our last place we didn't know any of our neighbors, and I doubt we'll get super close with our new ones, but they are really nice and it's always good to have friends in your neighborhood!

Here's the fabric and pattern I picked for my niece's dress. I'll make that pattern in the pink fabric, and then I'll make a little skirt out of the crab fabric. I know it's more of a summer print, and the summer is over, but I couldn't's so cute!

Lastly, every day this week I have been going to the mailbox hoping to see a little package (insert dirty joke here). My friend got me into this site called and it's way too addicting! They have a new shirt each day, and they only cost $10 which already includes shipping. Well, today was my lucky day because my hide n' seeking "dead where's Waldo" shirt came today (which actually cost only 5 bucks cause they sent me a coupon). I can't wait to wear it! I might have to break it in this weekend.


  1. That dress for your niece is gonna looks cute!!

    And seriosuly, I have only heard of 'DeGrassi' because of you... I remember you mentioning years ago.... otherwise I would have no idea what it even was ;0)

    Good luck with no TV


  2. MY FAULT! hahahaha we both know the truth on that one :o)
    Too bad we have to wait for Savtesh for almost a whole month! Good thing GLEE is coming back and Modern Fam or I wouldn't make it!
