Sunday, September 12, 2010


I don't know about you guys, but this weekend was JAM PACKED! It feels like we did more in 24 hours then I do in my week sometimes. And Rachel, NO, Saturday does not count at 5 social activities! If it happens all in the same day it counts as 1, so starting Monday you are back to 2!
Anyway, there is a lot to share, so I may break it up into a few posts...and I may not get to all of them tonight so I can get some other stuff done before I hit the hay (even though I had a 3 hour nap today and probably won't be able to sleep now :).

Saturday morning at the butt crack of dawn, Jeni, Rachel, and I woke up at 6:00am and drove to San Francisco to volunteer at the SF Zoo. Every other Saturday they do this thing called "SF Zoo Restore" where volunteers go and clean up the Zoo for a few hours in the morning before the Zoo opens. We signed up to volunteer on , which by the way makes volunteering SUPER easy and I highly recommend it if you are wanting to volunteer but don't know how to get started. Once you sign up you just click on their calendar and register to volunteer at anything they have listed...and then just show up!

To start our morning off at the zoo, they had "this guy" stretch us out and loosen up our muscles with his hot dance moves. For the first 30 minutes while everyone was showing up he was "warming up" with some wiggles and high kicks behind the pillar. I think he was hiding from me cause I kept taking pictures of him. Seriously I wish you all could have seen the way he moved. Oh wait, I videoed it so you can!

After our WARM UP we were divided into groups and were assigned different projects. There were almost 200 volunteers in whole, but the group we got put in had about 50 people. We had the task of ripping out weeds from along their "Little Puffer" train tracks. I am not usually one to like gardening, but cleaning up that area, and being with Rachel and Jeni made it a lot of fun! And it was really nice to see it after all the work we did.

After all our hard work we got to ride the "Little Puffer" train for free and see all of our hard work, and got to see the rest of the zoo.

AND ALL OF THAT BEFORE 11:00AM! Phew! I will post about the rest of the day's adventures later on. But I did mark about 2 1/2 things off my list that day. Whoop whoop!


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